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NASA’s Space-Inspired Airless Tires Means Never Having To Pump Your Bike Again


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In partnership with NASA, Smart Tire Company has introduced an innovative approach to bicycle tires: ‘Metl’ tires. These shape-memory airless wonders represent a leap forward in tire technology, with origins grounded in the same principles applied to planetary rovers’ tire construction.

Metl tires aim to change the cycling experience by eliminating the need for air pressure. This transformative design is made possible by the inclusion of a shape-memory alloy known as NiTinol, within the tire’s core. NiTinol, a nickel-titanium alloy, enables the tire to adapt to pressure changes while effortlessly returning to its original shape, ensuring a smooth and responsive ride.

These tires have transparent sidewalls and replaceable tread, using only half the rubber of conventional counterparts for sustainability and performance. The main tire component is designed to outlast the bike itself, while the tread may require replacement every 5,000 to 8,000 miles.

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