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‘Winnie-The-Pooh’ Finds Himself In A Deforested Hundred Acre Wood In New Story

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Since entering the public domain, A.A Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh has found himself at the center of horror movies and games. Now, in a slightly more chilling reimagining of everyone’s favorite Hunny-loving bear, Pooh and his friends find themselves in a deforested Hundred Acre Wood.

Enter Who Gives a Crap, an unconventional toilet paper brand known for its commitment to environmental causes. Winnie-the-Pooh: The Deforested Edition is here to highlight how something as simple as toilet paper may not only leave a dent in an environment but also render creatures homeless in their own natural habitats.

Fans of the original rest assured that the story’s essence remains unaltered. Pooh and his pals still embark on heartwarming adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood. However, The Woods are depicted as a victim of environmental degradation, with their lush trees felled to meet the demands of the traditional toilet paper industry.

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