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Taylor Swift to 21-year-old who's been tracking her private jet in real-time: Look What You Made Me Do (take legal action)


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Taylor Swift is having a bit of Bad Blood with a 21-year-old University of Central Florida student known for tracking celebrities' private jets, including Elon Musk's. Jack Sweeney has been tracing her jet's every move in real time, calculating its carbon footprint, and sharing it online.

Now he's received a cease and desist letter from her lawyers. Swift's team calls it stalking and harassment, but he argues that the information is all publicly available. Sites like FlightRadar24 and FlightAware collect data from a network of ground stations around the world, allowing anyone to track flights in real-time. 

Fun fact: thanks to his work, the student made Forbes' 30 Under 30 list last year. 


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