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Mozilla cuts 5% of workforce in shake-up under new CEO


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In a significant development, Mozilla Corporation, the creator of the popular web browser Firefox, has announced a reduction of approximately 60 jobs. This decision, affecting about 5% of its workforce, primarily impacts the product development organization.


The layoffs come less than a week after Laura Chambers was named as the interim CEO. Chambers, a former Airbnb Inc. and eBay Inc. executive, joined Mozilla’s board three years ago. The move is seen as part of a shake-up under the new leadership.


Mozilla stated that the layoffs are a result of scaling back investment in some product areas to focus on those with the greatest chance of success. The company intends to re-prioritize resources against products like Firefox Mobile, where there’s a significant opportunity to grow and establish a better model for the industry.


This decision underscores the challenges faced by tech companies in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. With more than 32,000 jobs lost in the tech industry so far this year, Mozilla’s layoffs add to the string of tech layoffs, including those at Amazon.com Inc. and Snap.


In conclusion, the layoffs at Mozilla highlight the ongoing struggle of tech companies to adapt and thrive in the face of rapid technological change. But what do you think? How can tech companies like Mozilla navigate these challenges and ensure their survival in the digital age? We’d love to hear your thoughts.



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