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Analogue’s Game Boy-Esque Handheld Console Gets A Stunning Transparent Twist


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Analogue, known for its retro gaming innovations, has unveiled the Transparent Analogue Pocket, a translucent version of its popular handheld console. Drawing inspiration from Nintendo’s iconic Game Boy, the original Analogue Pocket gained a devoted following upon its 2020 release with a modern version of the handheld console. After releasing a glow-in-the-dark version, this see-through iteration levels up the gaming experience.

The clear colorways pay homage to the clear Game Boy models of the late ’80s. They will come in various tinted versions, including classic clear and shades like gray, red, blue, orange, green, and purple.

True to the Analogue Pocket’s legacy, it is compatible with Game Boy and Game Boy Advance cartridges, allowing gamers to revisit their favorite titles from yesteryears. Fans can also use original Game Boy accessories with the new gadget.

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