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Author Claims Apple TV+ Ripped Off His Book About The Origins Of ‘Tetris’


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Dan Ackerman, the editor-in-chief of Gizmodo, has brought forward a lawsuit that targets both Apple and the Tetris Company, asserting claims of copyright infringement. Ackerman alleges that the Apple TV+ film adaptation of Tetris closely resembles his book, titled The Tetris Effect: The Game That Hypnotized The World. The book dives into the history and impact of the iconic game and its creator Henk Rogers, who went to the Soviet Union to join Alexey Pajitnov to bring the title to the masses. In the complaint, it’s described as a “Cold War thriller.”

Ackerman first shared his pre-published book with Maya Rogers, CEO of the Tetris Company, in 2016. That same year, Ackerman received a cease and desist letter, restraining his pursuit of film and television ventures. His lawsuit contends that Rogers, in collaboration with screenwriter Noah Pink, proceeded to develop a screenplay using elements from his book without his knowledge or consent. 

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