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‘The Master’s Pupil’ Is A Hand-Drawn Video Game Entirely Inspired By Monet


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Ever imagine being able to step into the world of one of the greatest artists in history? Well, now you can, thanks to The Master’s Pupil, a hand-drawn puzzle-adventure game that takes players on an immersive journey through the life and experiences of Claude Monet.

The indie title offers a unique and captivating gaming experience where players explore the world of the renowned master artist through a series of puzzles based on physics, space, and color. This game is not just about entertainment; it provides an educational opportunity to gain insights into Monet’s artistry and his journey through life.

One of the standout features of the game is its visually stunning presentation, boasting backgrounds and assets that were carefully crafted to mirror the painter’s ever-changing artistic style. Each scene is like a work of art in itself, allowing players to truly immerse themselves in the world of the master artist.

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