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Apple to launch AI tool that automates coding work


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In the ever-evolving world of technology, Apple Inc. is reportedly planning to launch a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool. This tool, aimed at simplifying coding work, is expected to be a game-changer for app developers.


The AI tool is designed to automate coding work, thereby accelerating the software development process. It is expected to function similarly to Microsoft’s Copilot, completing lines and blocks of code based on the initial parts typed in by a developer. This innovative tool is part of Apple’s broader strategy to integrate AI into its ecosystem.


Apple’s move comes at a time when the company is reportedly lagging behind in generative AI efforts ,currently led by tech giants like OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft. However, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has hinted at the company’s upcoming AI products, stating that they will be announced once they’re ready to hit the market.


In addition to the AI coding tool, Apple is also working on several generative AI-based features. These include the ability to automatically create Apple Music playlists and slide decks in its business presentation software3. These features are expected to be part of the iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 update, codenamed Crystal.


Apple’s strategic move into the realm of AI signifies its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological innovation. However, the question remains: How will these developments shape the future of coding and the broader tech industry? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.



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Image: Photo 106817408 © Ulf Wittrock | Dreamstime.com

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