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Adobe introduces AI Assistant for PDFs


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The digital world is abuzz with the latest innovation from Adobe, the AI Assistant for PDF. This generative AI-powered conversational engine, introduced in beta, is making waves in the tech industry. The AI Assistant is deeply integrated into Adobe Reader and Acrobat workflows, instantly generating summaries and insights from long documents.


The AI Assistant is a game-changer, unlocking new value from the approximately 3 trillion PDFs in the world. It leverages the same artificial intelligence and machine learning models behind Acrobat Liquid Mode, an award-winning technology that supports responsive reading experiences for PDFs on mobile. These proprietary models provide a deep understanding of PDF structure and content, enhancing quality and reliability in AI Assistant outputs.


Adobe’s AI Assistant is not just about reading PDFs; it’s about transforming the information inside PDFs into actionable, knowledge, and professional-looking content. As Abhigyan Modi, senior vice president, Document Cloud, puts it, “Generative AI offers the promise of more intelligent document experiences.” Adobe’s AI Assistant is set to revolutionize how we interact with PDFs, and this is just the beginning.


Video from Adobe


With the AI Assistant, Adobe is bringing generative AI beyond the creative community and into the masses. But what does this mean for the future of digital document experiences? How will this change the way we work with PDFs? Share your thoughts below.



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