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Nvidia’s Q4 2023 profits skyrocket due to generative AI boom


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In the world of artificial intelligence (AI), Nvidia has emerged as a dominant force. The company’s profits have skyrocketed, thanks to the boom in generative AI. Nvidia’s fourth-quarter earnings report revealed a staggering $22.1 billion in revenue, more than tripling from a year earlier. This surge in profits is largely attributed to the unprecedented demand for Nvidia’s graphics chips, which are extensively used in AI applications.


Nvidia’s specialized AI chips and software are considered among the best on the market. These chips are key components that power different forms of AI, including the latest generative AI chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini1. The company’s CEO, Jensen Huang, stated that "Accelerated computing and generative AI have hit the tipping point. Demand is surging worldwide across companies, industries, and nations".


The company’s data center revenue, a closely watched earnings figure, was up more than 400% from the same period last year, reaching $18.4 billion. This growth is a testament to the increasing investments in generative AI4. Nvidia’s shares also jumped 10%, to $743 in after-hours trading.


As Nvidia continues to ride the wave of the AI boom, it plans to ship a new chip, the B100, at the highest end of its product line in 2024. This move has stoked expectations around its explosive growth.


Given these developments, one can’t help but ponder: How will Nvidia’s success reshape the landscape of the AI industry? What implications does this have for other players in the market? We invite you to share your thoughts on this exciting topic.




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Image: Michael Vi | Dreamstime.com

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