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LEGO x ‘Animal Crossing’ sets are almost here! [Mark your calendar]


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The buzz around LEGO x Animal Crossing sets is once again stacking up. This wondrous collaboration between the LEGO Group and Nintendo has brought the popular video game series, Animal Crossing, to life in LEGO brick form. The sets, which were revealed in Oct 2023, have captured the imagination of millions, leading to a surge in online discussions and searches.


The LEGO Animal Crossing sets offer five new play experiences, allowing LEGO builders to explore the world and characters from the video games. The sets are designed for easy assembly and high customization, enabling builders to create unique settings. From celebrating Julian’s Birthday Party to embarking on Kapp’n’s Island Boat Tour, these sets offer a variety of scenarios for fans to recreate.



LEGO x Animal Crossing™: Julian's Birthday Party set


LEGO x Animal Crossing™: Kapp'n's Island Boat Tour set


The trend is not just about the sets themselves, but also the communal aspect that Animal Crossing is known for. The LEGO sets allow fans to share their creations and experiences, further enhancing the sense of community. Moreover, the anticipation for the sale of these sets, which will start on March 1st, 2024, has added to the online buzz.


In conclusion, the LEGO Animal Crossing sets are trending due to their innovative design, the popularity of the Animal Crossing video game series, and the sense of community they foster. As we await the release of these sets, one can’t help but wonder - how will these LEGO sets transform the way fans interact with the Animal Crossing universe? What unique creations will they inspire? Share your thoughts and let’s continue the conversation.



LEGO x Animal Crossing™: Nook's Cranny & Rosie's House set




LEGO x Animal Crossing™: Isabelle's House Visit set






LEGO x Animal Crossing™: Bunnie's Outdoor Activities set





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