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Spotify Taps Into A ‘Song Psychic’ To (At Times Brutally) Tell Your Fortune

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IMG_9397-1709297451.jpegImage via Spotify

Spotify is tuning into the universe’s frequencies with a Song Psychic, promising to answer life’s pressing questions through the mystical art of fortune-telling and the power of song. Whether you’re pondering your future, curious about life’s mysteries, or just wondering what to wear or eat today, Song Psychic is ready to spin the records of fate for you.

To experience this musical oracle, users simply need to head to spotify.com/songpsychic on their mobile devices. Once there, they can pose their questions—ranging from romantic dilemmas like “Does my crush like me?” to everyday conundrums such as “What should I have for lunch?”—and wait for this magic eight ball of sorts to reveal the soundtrack to their query.

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