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Tesla posts full manual for Cybertruck owners online 

Garth Gator

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Tesla has powered up its website with the complete owner’s and service manuals for the Cybertruck, offering a comprehensive look under the hood of one of the most talked-about vehicles in recent memory.


For the first time, Elon Musk’s automotive company has made the inner workings of the pickup truck accessible. The owner’s manual offers a deep dive into the nuts and bolts of vehicle operation, from adjusting settings to optimizing the electric charge, ensuring that Cybertruck drivers can make the most of their futuristic ride. Meanwhile, the service manual is a bit like a map to its soul, designed for qualified technicians.


This unveiling follows the Cybertruck’s initial delivery event in late November, a milestone that marked the beginning of a new era for Tesla as it accelerates production at its Gigafactory in Texas. With the company eyeing a 12-18 month timeline to shift from initial deliveries to full-scale production, the anticipation among reservation holders is as charged as the vehicle itself.

Currently, the Cybertruck is making its mark in the US, but Tesla’s ambitions stretch far beyond American roads. Executives are eyeing expansions into Canada, and the Cybertruck has already made appearances in China and Japan. There’s even talk of a European tour, with Germany potentially on the itinerary.




Opening image: Tesla

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