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Apple will soon allow iPhone users in EU to download apps directly from third-party websites

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Apple has announced that iPhone users in the European Union will soon be able to download apps directly from websites. This significant shift in policy, often referred to as ‘sideloading’, marks a departure from Apple’s long-standing resistance to web downloads of software.


This change is a direct result of the European Commission’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), designed to compel tech giants, deemed as ‘gatekeepers’, to open their platforms to smaller rivals. The DMA has been instrumental in forcing Apple to make long-resisted changes to its App Store business processes.


The new web download program, set to commence later this spring, requires developers to meet specific criteria, such as having an app with over 1 million downloads in Europe. Despite the shift in distribution methods, Apple is expected to continue collecting a fee.


Apple’s decision to allow web downloads is seen as a major reversal, given the company’s previous stance citing security issues and its right to dictate user experience. However, the company maintains that distributing apps directly from a website requires responsibility and oversight of the user experience.


This move by Apple suggests that the European Commission will be successful in regulating Apple in the region by threatening fines and other actions for non-compliance. The Cupertino giant was recently fined $2B by the EU Commission in a dispute lodged by its music streaming competitor, Spotify. 


As we witness these transformative changes in the tech landscape, one can’t help but wonder: How will this shift impact the user experience and the broader app ecosystem? Will it lead to a more competitive market, or could it potentially introduce new challenges? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.



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Top image: Mikhail Primakov | Dreamstime.com

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