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The enigmatic AI.com domain now redirects to Google Gemini

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The domain AI.com now redirects to Google’s AI chatbot, Gemini. This surprising update has sparked intrigue in the tech world, as the ownership of AI.com remains a mystery.


AI.com has had a colorful past, transitioning from a company site to an AI news hub, before becoming a redirecting enigma. The latest twist in its journey is its redirection to Google’s Gemini chatbot. This move has been seen as a playful trick, allowing users to access Google Gemini simply by visiting AI.com.


Google Gemini, typically accessed via gemini.google.com, is a useful AI tool that is now conveniently accessible through AI.com. This redirection not only simplifies access to Google Gemini but also makes it quicker to launch the AI chatbot across all platforms, including desktop and mobile.


Interestingly, AI.com once directed to ChatGPT, and then to Elon Musk’s xAI. Currently, Squarespace is listed as the registrar through Google Domains, and ICANN lists “contact-registrant@google.com” as the point of contact. While there’s no concrete confirmation that Google owns the domain, the current redirection to Google Gemini certainly suggests so.


This development raises intriguing questions about the future of AI.com and its role in the AI landscape. Will it continue to serve as a permanent shortcut to Google Gemini, or will it once again change course?


What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think AI.com’s redirection to Google Gemini is a strategic move or just a playful trick? Share your views in the comments below.



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Top image: Ai © Rafael Henrique | Dreamstime.com


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