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Marina Abramović Was Present To Answer All Questions For New Visual Biography


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Image courtesy of Laurence King Publishing

Marina Abramovic: A Visual Biography delves deep into the extraordinary journey of the iconic performance artist Marina Abramovic. Written by Abramovic herself and Katya Tylevich, this revealing hardcover, published on November 28, 2023, is touted as the quintessential guide to the Serbian artist’s illustrious career. It blends fresh interviews, rare images, and captivating ephemera from Abramovic’s archives, presenting a rich tapestry of her life and art.

The book, spanning over 600 images, captures the essence of the artist’s experiences, from her youth to her rise as a trailblazer in the art world. These visuals illuminate Abramovic’s memories, highlighting how her life and art are deeply interconnected. Readers can expect a journey filled with humor, candor, and the artist’s unique insights.


Image courtesy of Laurence King Publishing

In an intimate series of interviews led by her friend Tylevich over 17 months, Abramovic opens up about her life with remarkable honesty. From her early days as a timid child to her evolution into a fearless artist challenging norms, the biography offers a panoramic view of her life. Abramovic even addresses personal myths, revealing truths about her family background and even her real birth date, which was covered up by her mother with a symbolic date tied to Yugoslavian history.

When asked at what point she decided to become an artist, Abramovic responded: “I never wanted to become an artist. I was an artist.”

Find out more about the book here.

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