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Amazon cuts several hundred more jobs (this time from its AWS cloud computing unit)


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Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading player in the cloud computing industry, has reportedly laid off hundreds of employees. The layoffs primarily targeted staff involved in developing technology for physical retail stores within AWS. This move has sent ripples through the tech community, raising questions about the company’s future direction.


However, the layoffs were not limited to the tech division. Several hundred more employees in the sales, marketing, and global services division were also let go. This significant reduction in workforce is speculated to be part of a broader reorganization under sales chief Matt Garman. The exact reasons behind this decision remain unclear, as AWS and its parent firm Amazon.com did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


These layoffs come at a time when AWS is facing increasing competition in the cloud services market. It’s worth noting that Amazon has also laid off hundreds of staff in other divisions, including its Prime Video service, healthcare business, and Alexa voice assistant unit. This suggests a possible shift in Amazon’s strategy, possibly focusing more on its core businesses.


In conclusion, the recent layoffs at AWS have raised eyebrows in the tech industry. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact AWS’s position in the cloud services market and whether this will lead to a shift in the company’s strategy.


What are your thoughts on these developments? Do you think this could signal a major shift in Amazon’s strategy, or is it just a part of regular business restructuring?



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Image: Waingro | Dreamstime.com

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