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Intel reportedly confirms more layoffs—this time from Sales & Marketing


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Intel, the Santa Clara-based chipmaker, has confirmed a new round of layoffs. The restructuring primarily targets the Sales and Marketing Group, a division led by Intel’s Chief Commercial Officer, Christoph Schell. The exact number of affected employees remains undisclosed, but the move is part of Intel’s broader transformation strategy.


The layoffs come amidst Intel’s ambitious restructuring plans. The company is separating its product design businesses from its chip manufacturing operations, a move that revealed a $7 billion operating loss last year. Intel Foundry, the chip-making arm, is expected to become an independent contract chip manufacturing business, competing with Asian foundry giants TSMC and Samsung.


Intel’s decision to reduce its workforce is not without precedent. In October 2022, CEO Pat Gelsinger announced plans to cut spending by as much as $10 billion through 2025. This was in response to an "abrupt and pronounced slowdown in demand". However, the company has not disclosed the total number of employees laid off since then.


How will these layoffs impact Intel’s future and the broader tech industry? Please share your thoughts below.



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Image: FPCreativeStock | Dreamstime.com

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