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Blizzard & NetEase rekindle partnership: 'World of Warcraft' and more returning to China


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A monumental comeback is brewing in the gaming industry. Blizzard Entertainment and China’s gaming giant NetEase have reignited their partnership, paving the way for a triumphant return of legendary titles to one of the world's largest gaming markets, China.


This news marks a sweet victory after a period of uncertainty. For over 15 years, Blizzard and NetEase enjoyed a successful partnership, bringing beloved games like World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone to  gamers in China. Unfortunately, the collaboration hit a snag in late 2022 due to a contract dispute, leaving gamers heartbroken without access to their favorite Blizzard titles.


But fret no more! The gaming landscape is about to experience a dramatic shift. Under the watchful eye of Microsoft, a new agreement has been forged, promising a "sequential return" of Blizzard games to China starting this summer. This means gamers in China can once again gear up for epic adventures in Azeroth (World of Warcraft) and explore the vast possibilities offered by other Blizzard titles. Specific release dates and details are still under wraps, but exciting announcements are on the horizon!


This is a massive win for gamers in China. So, what are your thoughts? Are you excited to see Blizzard games return? Which title are you most looking forward to playing again?



Image: Antonio Jodice | Dreamstime.com

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