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Home Depot unveils 7-foot animatronic Darth Vader to let you take The Force home

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Home Depot has announced the release of a 7-foot animatronic Darth Vader. This life-sized Sith Lord is set to become the latest sensation in home decor, combining the love for Star Wars with the festive spirit.


The towering figure of Darth Vader, complete with LED effects, is not just a static decoration. It boasts lifelike movements and classic soundbites, making it an interactive addition to any Star Wars fan’s collection. The animatronic Vader is not just for show; it’s an experience.


What sets this Darth Vader apart is its versatility. It comes with interchangeable accessories, making it suitable for multiple holidays. From a spooky Death Star jack-O-lantern for Halloween to a festive candy cane lightsaber for Christmas, this Darth Vader is ready to celebrate in style.


Priced at $299, this 7-foot Vader is an affordable alternative to other life-sized Star Wars replicas. Despite its lower price point, it does not compromise on authenticity, featuring authentic quotes and sounds.


This unique decoration is set to go on sale on Star Wars Day, May the 4th. However, supplies are limited, and a sellout is expected. So, if you want to be the first on your block to have Darth Vader standing in your yard, you’ll need to act quickly.






If you could have any Star Wars character as a life-sized animatronic decoration, who would it be and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!



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Images: Home Depot

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