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Taylor Swift, the 34-year-old megastar, has filed a trademark for 'Female Rage: The Musical’. This innovative step was taken after the addition of seven songs from her 11th studio album to her Eras Tour. The trademark was filed through TAS Rights Management, indicating a strategic move towards expanding her brand.


The phrase ‘Female Rage: The Musical’ was first coined by Swift during her tribute to Paris. This tribute was dedicated to the new ‘Tortured Poets’ section of her Eras Tour. The phrase quickly gained popularity, leading to its trademark filing.




A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift)



Swift’s Eras Tour has been a platform for her to express her creativity and connect with her fans. One of the highlights of the tour was her performance of “So High School,” a song about her NFL boyfriend Travis Kelce. The song was performed for the first time on tour in front of Kelce at the Paris La Défense Arena.


The trademark filing has sparked speculation among fans about the future of ‘Female Rage: The Musical’. Some believe it could be used for future musical recordings, video recordings, or even a full-blown musical adaptation. Others think it might be a branding exercise for merchandise.


Swift’s move to trademark ‘Female Rage: The Musical’ is a testament to her innovative approach to music and branding. It also highlights her ability to connect with her audience and create buzz around her work.



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Image: Alexandre Paes Leme Dur�o | Dreamstime.com

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