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Google Search's AI reportedly suggested drinking urine (2 liters per day!) to pass kidney stones

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Google’s latest AI-driven iteration, known as Search Generative Experience (SGE), has been caught in the crosshairs of controversy. The AI tool, designed to provide rapid answers by compiling information from top search results, reportedly suggested an unconventional method to pass kidney stones.


On May 5, 2024, a X user with the handle @dril shared a screenshot of the AI’s advice: to consume two liters of urine every 24 hours to alleviate kidney blockages. This peculiar recommendation, which quickly went viral, sparked a wave of criticism and disbelief across the internet.



The screenshot amassed over 1.7 million views and 2,900 reposts at the time of writing. Social media users expressed their dismay (and equally bizarre responses).



The Mayo Clinic, a renowned medical research group, recommends drinking 1.8 to 3.6 liters of water (NOT urine) daily to pass kidney stones. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of cross-verifying health-related advice from the internet with trusted medical professionals.


While Google has had its share of eyebrow-raising moments, this latest gaffe might just take the cake. However, it’s important to note that the search engine has since reportedly rectified the incorrect output.


Such incidents raise pertinent questions about the reliability and accountability of AI tools. Do you think AI should be held to higher standards when providing health-related advice? Share your views in the comments below.



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