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Seatmate: An office chair for your pets so YOU can be more productive when working from home


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In a world where the line between home and office has become increasingly blurred, the need for comfort, companionship, and productivity has never been greater. Enter Seatmate, the innovative office chair designed not just for you but also for your furry friend. Launched on Kickstarter, Seatmate promises to transform your workspace into a haven of coziness and efficiency.


Born out of the collective experience of millions who shifted to remote work, Seatmate addresses a common challenge: balancing work with the need for pet companionship. Whether it’s a curious cat jumping onto your keyboard or a loyal dog vying for your attention, our pets crave proximity and comfort. Recognizing this, the creators of Seatmate have ingeniously integrated a pet-friendly space into a high-quality office chair, ensuring that you and your pet can share your workday in harmony.





Seatmate is not just an ordinary office chair. It boasts a sleek, ergonomic design crafted with both you and your pet in mind. The chair features:

  • Comfortable Seating: High-density foam and breathable fabric provide maximum comfort during long hours of work.
  • Integrated Pet Seat: A dedicated, cozy spot for your pet, complete with a soft cushion and a safety harness to keep them secure.
  • Adjustable Components: Customize your chair with adjustable armrests, lumbar support, and seat height to suit your posture and preferences.
  • Durable and Stylish: Made from premium materials, Seatmate is built to last and complement any home office décor.






Supporting Seatmate on Kickstarter means joining a community of pet lovers and remote workers who believe in a better, more inclusive work environment. Your backing will not only help bring this revolutionary product to market but also support the vision of a workspace where productivity and pet companionship go hand in hand.



Early testers of Seatmate have raved about the positive impact it has had on their work-from-home experience. Sarah, a freelance graphic designer, shared, "Seatmate has completely changed the way I work. My cat, Whiskers, loves her spot, and I can focus on my projects without constant interruptions."





Now is the time to enhance your home office setup and make your workdays more enjoyable for both you and your pet. Visit the Seatmate Kickstarter page, watch the inspiring video below, and explore the various pledge levels and rewards. From exclusive early-bird discounts to limited edition models, there's a perfect Seatmate waiting for you and your furry friend.





Source: Seatmate

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