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Minecraft teams up with Netflix for animated series

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Netflix has unveiled its collaboration with Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, to produce an animated series. This revelation coincides with the 15th anniversary of Minecraft, the best-selling video game of all time.



The partnership between Netflix and Mojang aims to construct an animated series that will bring the blocky universe of Minecraft to life. The series is currently being developed by WildBrain, a studio acclaimed for its work on Sonic Prime, Ninjago: Dragons Rising, and Carmen Sandiego.


This venture signifies a growing trend of popular video games being adapted into TV shows and films. With Netflix spearheading the project, fans are eagerly awaiting the release of the animated series.



The series is set to feature an original narrative with new characters, offering a fresh take on the world of Minecraft. This announcement has sparked excitement among fans, who are keen to see how the charm of Minecraft will be translated into an animated series.


As we anticipate more details about the series, it raises an intriguing question: How will the animated series encapsulate the essence of Minecraft’s unique, blocky universe? Will it manage to captivate the game’s extensive player base? We’d love to hear your thoughts and expectations about this upcoming series.



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