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The story of Tesla, the car company synonymous with electric vehicles (EVs), goes beyond just sleek designs and zero emissions. It’s a tale of innovation, ambition, and a well-placed tribute to a pioneering inventor.


In 2003, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, both engineers, set out to create a new kind of car—one that was environmentally friendly but didn’t compromise on performance or style. During a brainstorming session, at Disneyland’s Blue Bayou restaurant, no less (talk about a spark of inspiration!), the name “Tesla” was born. It was Eberhard's way of honoring Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American inventor who revolutionized electricity with his alternating current (AC) systems.


In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Nikola Tesla laid the groundwork for many electrical systems we use today. His invention of the AC motor, a key component in modern EVs, made him the perfect inspiration for Eberhard and Tarpenning. Sadly, Tesla’s brilliance was often overshadowed by his contemporary, Thomas Edison, and he faced financial struggles throughout his life. Naming the company after him was a way to acknowledge his legacy and his vision of a world powered by sustainable energy.


While Elon Musk isn’t the founder of Tesla (a common misconception), he became a major investor and chairman in 2004, eventually taking the reins as CEO in 2008.


Today, the name Tesla chose isn’t just a cool logo; it’s a constant reminder of the inventive spirit that continues to drive them forward.




Image: Jonathan Weiss | Dreamstime.com

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