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Sanrio’s iconic Hello Kitty is celebrating a golden anniversary this year, and beloved ice cream brand Van Leeuwen is joining the festivities with a purr-fectly delightful collaboration. To commemorate five decades of Hello Kitty's global influence, Van Leeuwen has created a special ice cream flavor—Yummy Berry White Chocolate Truffle—available for one day only on National Ice Cream Day, July 21.


The limited-edition flavor itself is a whimsical tribute to the cheerful cartoon anthropomorphic cat. Creamy white chocolate ice cream forms the base, swirled with ribbons of sweet red raspberry jam, a nod to Hello Kitty's signature red bow. To add a touch of indulgence, decadent truffle brownie chunks are mixed throughout. This playful combination promises to be a delightful treat for Hello Kitty fans and ice cream aficionados alike.




Beyond the delicious concoction, the collaboration embodies a spirit of kindness. In keeping with Hello Kitty’s message of friendship and positivity, and aligning with Van Leeuwen’s mission to spread joy, half of the proceeds from Yummy Berry White Chocolate Truffle sales will be donated to Kindness.org. This non-profit organization works to educate and inspire people to choose kindness in their everyday interactions.



Images: Sanrio


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