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'Dieter Rams: As Little Design As Possible', with foreword by Jony Ive [New read]


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A new edition of Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible by Sophie Lovell, first published in 2011, is being issued by Phaidon.


Chances are you’ve used something Rams, the revolutionary behind iconic Braun products like the SK4 radio-phonograph, has designed. This “definitive monograph” on his life and work isn’t just a pretty coffee table book (though the new cover is stunning), it traces Rams’ journey, from his architectural training to his reign at Braun, where he transformed the company into a design powerhouse.




Sustainability, functionality, and minimalism were his guiding principles, and the book offers a window into the mind behind the “10 commandments” of good design: principles that continue to shape the design world today. Offering an intimate look behind the scenes, the book also features sketches, technical drawings, and prototypes. It’s an exploration of a design philosophy that continues to resonate.


The 2024 edition adds a special touch—a foreword by Jonathan (Jony) Ive, the former chief design officer at Apple and a fellow design icon who was heavily influenced by Rams.





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