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Google is reportedly set to make its largest acquisition yet — for cybersecurity startup Wiz

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In a move that’s making waves in the tech industry, Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company, is reportedly in advanced discussions to acquire cybersecurity startup Wiz. This acquisition, valued at a staggering $23 billion, is set to be the largest in Google’s history.


Wiz, a firm founded in 2020, has made significant strides under the leadership of CEO Assaf Rappaport. The company, which had been considering an IPO as recently as May, achieved a valuation of $12 billion. With this acquisition, Google is nearly doubling that valuation.


The "hyper-aggressive" cybersecurity firm’s unique cloud security offering provides comprehensive insight into a company’s full cloud presence, from Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Azure. This feature is particularly attractive to large firms with significant computing resources. Wiz’s impressive growth and innovative solutions have attracted investments from top-tier venture capital firms, including Sequoia Capital and Andreessen Horowitz.


This acquisition underscores Google’s continued commitment to bolstering its cybersecurity capabilities. Just days ago, it released free dark web monitoring for all internet users across 46 countries—hot on the heels of news on the largest-ever password leak which exposed nearly 10 billion passwords.


The tech giant previously acquired Mandiant, another security company, for $5.4 billion. However, this new deal with Wiz dwarfs that previous investment.


Is this colossal acquisition signaling greater dangers looming ahead for the internet? How will it reshape the cybersecurity landscape? We invite you to share your thoughts on these intriguing questions.



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Image: Jhvephotos | Dreamstime.com





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