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Massive data breach exposes millions of users who—surprise!—bought 'stalkerware' to spy on others

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A colossal data breach has laid bare the identities of millions of customers who procured access to the notorious phone surveillance app, mSpy, according to a report by TechCrunch. The Ukrainian company, Brainstack, responsible for the creation and maintenance of mSpy, is now under the spotlight.


The breach, which occurred in May 2024, exposed customer service records dating back to 2014. The stolen data, amounting to over 100 gigabytes, includes customer support tickets and accompanying attachments, often containing personal documents. The breach has not only exposed the customers but also the company behind the spyware.


The breach notification site, Have I Been Pwned, has added about 2.4 million unique email addresses of mSpy customers to its database of past data breaches. Despite the magnitude of the breach, Brainstack has yet to acknowledge the incident. 


The mSpy app, marketed as a tool for tracking children or monitoring employees, is also widely used to monitor individuals without their consent. This type of software is often referred to as “stalkerware” due to its misuse in non-consensual surveillance.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with the use of spyware. It raises critical questions about the security measures employed by such companies and the potential misuse of sensitive personal information.



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