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Terminally ill Marvel fan got to watch 'Deadpool & Wolverine' early, and loved it

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Marvel Studios recently granted a terminally ill fan an exclusive early screening of Deadpool & Wolverine, and the response has been nothing short of enthusiastic. Reddit user Rotasevian, who described the opportunity as “the upside of being terminally ill,” shared their thoughts after watching the highly anticipated film.


“I am about one hour away from getting a private screening of Deadpool & Wolverine thanks to Marvel Studios and The Dream Foundation,” Rotasevian posted on Reddit. “Just finished the movie and as promised I said I would tell you guys if it was good or not and the answer is… it’s so f**cking good.”






Without spoiling anything, Rotasevian said there was “more violence and constant swearing” in the sequel. “Even the C-word a few times, no [nudity] though.”


The fan added they didn’t get to meet Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, “but there [were] video messages from [them].”


Another fan, who’d also watched the movie early as his wife was ill, chimed in with a similar account: “My wife was very thrilled she would get to watch it in her final days, and we all… enjoyed the movie alot. It was a very special experience.”


The film, which officially releases July 26, marks the first time we see Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman) donning his iconic yellow suit.




Opening image: Marvel Studios

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