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Tesla's Elon Musk puts robotaxi unveiling on brakes due to 'important design change'


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Hold your horses! Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to hail a Tesla that drives itself. The electric car giant just hit the brakes on their highly anticipated robotaxi reveal, originally scheduled for August 8.


Fans can instead look out for a new date in October, as Tesla puts the pedal to the metal on some key design changes, Bloomberg reports.


The robotaxi is a key component of the automaker’s ambitious vision for autonomous transportation, designed to operate without a steering wheel or pedals, fully embracing the future of self-driving technology. This postponement will provide it with additional time to refine the vehicle’s design and introduce new features that were not initially planned for the August launch.


Despite the delay, Musk remains confident in the robotaxi’s potential to transform urban transportation. He stressed that the additional time will allow Tesla to perfect the vehicle.




This robotaxi is a key piece of Tesla’s puzzle to dominate the autonomous vehicle market, which is heating up faster than a California freeway on a summer day. 





Photo: Dazhetak | Dreamstime.com

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