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Apple splashes the HomePod Mini with new 'midnight' shade


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Apple has refreshed its popular HomePod mini smart speaker with a new color option—midnight. Announced in mid-July 2024, the midnight hue replaces the previous space gray model, offering a slightly cooler, more blueish tone. This brings the HomePod mini in line with the color scheme of the larger second-generation HomePod, which also comes in midnight and white.




Don’t expect any revolutionary changes beyond the aesthetics, however. The core features and specifications remain identical to the original HomePod mini launched in November 2020. The compact speaker still sports a 3.3-inch design with a seamless mesh fabric exterior, promising big sound in a small package. Siri integration remains at the heart of the experience, allowing for voice-controlled music playback, smart home device management, and general interactions.



The midnight HomePod mini retains the $99 price tag of its predecessors and is available for order directly from Apple's online store. Physical store availability in over 30 regions, including the US, Canada, China, Singapore, will commence on July 17, 2024.









Images: Apple

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