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Visualization of Donald Trump's head narrowly avoiding bullet goes viral

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It was a mere head turn away from chaos. A video created by the social media account Point Consciousness has gone viral, offering a chilling 3D visualization of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.


The clip provides a bird’s eye view of the bullet that narrowly missed Trump’s head during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024. The former President was on stage when a bullet grazed his ear, prompting a swift response from the Secret Service who neutralized the shooter, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks.


The attacker managed to position himself on a rooftop within rifle range, a glaring oversight that has led to calls for a thorough investigation into the security breach.


The Point Consciousness video meticulously reconstructs the scene, showing how Trump’s instinctive head movement a split second before impact likely saved his life. The 3D model highlights the trajectory of the bullet, which would have caused fatal damage had Trump not moved.



Trump himself acknowledged this extremely close call, telling the New York Post that the doctor who tended to him had described the event as “a miracle.”


He added: “I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead.”




Opening image: Karlis Kristians Kringelis | Dreamstime.com






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