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NASA blasts Missy Elliott song off to Venus, her favorite planet

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Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News (left), illustration (right) generated on AI


In a historic first, NASA has transmitted a hip-hop song into deep space. The iconic track The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) by Missy Elliott was beamed to Venus on Friday, July 12, 2024, via the agency’s Deep Space Network. The song, a beloved anthem of empowerment and individuality, traveled 158 million miles at the speed of light, reaching the scorching planet in approximately 14 minutes.


The decision to send Elliott’s music to Venus was driven by the artist’s own connection to the planet, which is her favorite. She has publicly expressed her admiration for Venus, describing it as a symbol of “strength, beauty, and empowerment”—qualities that resonate deeply with her music and message.


“I still can’t believe I’m going out of this world with NASA through the Deep Space Network when The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly) becomes the first ever hip-hop song to transmit to space!” the singer expresses. “I chose Venus because it symbolizes strength, beauty, and empowerment and I am so humbled to have the opportunity to share my art and my message with the universe!”




NASA, recognizing the cultural significance of Elliott’s work and the potential for inspiring a new generation of space enthusiasts, embraced the opportunity to share her music with the cosmos.


This isn't the first time the space agency has used music for interstellar communication. In 2008, The Beatles’ Across the Universe was transmitted to the North Star, as well.





Opening image: Imago/Alamy Live News (left), illustration (right) generated on AI

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