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From Doubt to Discovery: A Design Team’s Unexpected Ally

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Selman, a Brooklyn based design studio, has taken AI to task while creating a book about the solar system. This team project inspired the graphic designers, who had yet to incorporate AI, to push it to the limit in various ways.


The creative endeavor involved pairing each member of the Selman team with a celestial body from our solar system (Even our favorite demoted dwarf planet made the cut). Then each designer worked on a story bout the planet to work on their writing skills. Studio founder Johnny Selman avoided using AI for this assignment at first, but later realized it could be a massively helpful tool in the creative process. 


“Initially, I was resistant to incorporating AI, preferring to focus on our team’s organic writing growth,” said studio founder and Executive Creative Director Johnny Selman, "Over the course of the project, I grew to see AI as less of a crutch and more of a tool—similar to a dictionary, spell check, or even a pencil. The mission wasn’t to complicate writing but to demystify the process and foster genuine self-expression.”


You can read more about the project here: https://selman.nyc/news/spacey

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