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McDonald's could give you these 'Nuggies' if you find a 'boot' shape in your McNuggets


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McDonald’s in Australia is serving up Chicken McNuggets with a kick. The fast-food giant has brought back its coveted ‘Nuggies’ boots, offering 2,000 lucky Aussies the chance to slip their feet into the golden, crispy comfort of the limited-edition footwear.


First debuted in the winter of 2022, the Nuggies boot frenzy saw thousands of Aussies vying for just 50 pairs, with the entire stock being snapped up in under six hours. Undeterred by the initial demand, McDonald’s is reheating the silhouette with a larger giveaway, hoping to satisfy the cravings of even more fashion enthusiasts.


To participate in the ‘Boot Pursuit’, as the chain calls it, customers must find a boot-shaped Chicken McNugget and scan the QR code on the packaging. The giveaway, which kicked off on July 17, will run until August 6.


For those unfamiliar, it is said that there are four classic McNugget shapes. Besides the boot, there is also the ball, the bell, and the bone.







Images: McDonald’s Australia

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