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New York Magazine's Health Issue cover of Donald Trump & Joe Biden has eyes twitching

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New York Magazine has sent spines tingling with the rather controversial cover for its latest Health Issue. Featuring a provocative illustration of former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden stripped down to their underwear and standing on a scale, the cover has been criticized for being disrespectful.


The composite, which portrays both political figures in a compromising and exaggerated manner, aimed to spotlight the magazine’s focus on medical breakthroughs, scandals, and the perceived decline in the current President’s health.


Readers quickly took to Instagram to voice their outrage, labeling the cover “disgusting” and “objectifying.”


One person commented, “This is wildly disrespectful. Did both parties give consent?” Another criticized, “Isn’t this body shaming? Oh, I forgot. It's ‘edgy journalism.’”



A post shared by New York Magazine (@nymag)


Executive editor Genevieve Smith explained that the idea was to address the health and age of the presidential candidates, particularly relevant in the midst of a presidential campaign and following a recent debate on these issues.


“We had already been thinking about how to address the fact that this health issue would drop in the middle of a presidential campaign, when the presidential debate put the health and age of the candidates in the center of the national conversation,” Smith noted.


Notably, the issue was published on July 15, two days before Biden tested positive for COVID-19. Perhaps it is the right time to go under the skin of the matter.




Image: New York Magazine

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