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Nike is unapologetically 'selfish' in emotive summer campaign voiced by Willem Dafoe


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All eyes are on gold at the Olympics, but at Nike, it’s all about the grit behind the glory. Its summer 2024 advertising campaign, Winning Isn’t for Everyone, gathers a heavyweight lineup of athletic superstars—LeBron James, Serena Williams, Cristiano Ronaldo, the legendary Kobe Bryant, and so on—all supported by the zealous voice of Willem Dafoe.


Winning Isn’t for Everyone, crafted by Nike’s longtime advertising partner Wieden + Kennedy Portland, emphasizes one thing: winning is reserved for those willing to invest in hard work, dedication, and resilience—even if it makes them seem “selfish” or like “a bad person.” The spot underscores not just the physicalities of these superstars but also their mental strength and unwavering commitment to excellence.




“This is about celebrating the voice of the athlete,” expresses Nike’s chief marketing officer Nicole Graham. “It’s a story about what it takes to be the best. The legacies that have yet to be shaped. And the dreams that will be made real. It reminds the world that there's nothing wrong with wanting to win.”




Set against the backdrop of the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics, the campaign serves as a powerful reminder that the path to victory is not for the faint-hearted. It honors those who dare to dream big and are ready to face challenges head-on.




“Nike’s story starts with the athlete story. It always has. And it always will,” Graham adds. “Winning Isn’t for Everyone shows that anyone can be a winner if they are willing to do what it takes.”










Images: Nike

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