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X-23 and Lady Deadpool: Mystery deepens in final 'Deadpool & Wolverine' trailer

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) continues to deliver surprises with the latest trailer for the highly anticipated 'Deadpool & Wolverine.' This action-packed glimpse into the film revealed the much-awaited return of a fan-favorite character: X-23, played by the talented Dafne Keen.



Dafne Keen Returns as a Grown-Up X-23

Keen, who stole hearts with her portrayal of X-23 in the critically acclaimed 2017 film 'Logan,' is back to bring Laura Kinney to life. This time, however, Laura is no longer the silent child we met before. The trailer hints at a more mature and battle-ready X-23, ready to take on whatever challenges come her way. Keen's return was a closely guarded secret, with the actress cleverly dodging rumors throughout press tours. 


For those unfamiliar with the comics, X-23, also known as Laura Kinney, is a clone of Wolverine created using his DNA as part of the Weapon-X program—the same program that birthed both Wolverine and Deadpool.


Star Power and Speculation

'Deadpool & Wolverine' boasts a star-studded cast, with Ryan Reynolds returning as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman making a triumphant return as Wolverine. But the surprises don't end there. The trailer also dropped a bombshell with the arrival of Lady Deadpool, a new character guaranteed to set the fandom ablaze. Speculation has run wild, with guesses ranging from Ryan Reynolds' wife, Blake Lively, to pop superstar Taylor Swift. However, the identity behind the mask remains a delicious mystery for now. We'll just have to wait until opening night to find out who's bringing the "dead" to "Deadpool" this time around.


Countdown to Maximum Effort

With less than a week to go until July 26th, excitement for "Deadpool & Wolverine" is reaching a fever pitch. The return of X-23, the introduction of Lady Deadpool, and the potential involvement of a global pop icon have all contributed to the film's immense hype. As we inch closer to the premiere, one thing is clear: 'Deadpool & Wolverine' promises to be a landmark MCU event, leaving a lasting mark on fans and the superhero genre itself.


Mark your calendars, grab your chimichangas, and get ready for a wild ride when 'Deadpool & Wolverine' explodes into theaters on July 26th. Who do you think will be revealed as Lady Deadpool? Share your theories in the comments below.



Image: Marvel Entertainment

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