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First we found out Hello Kitty is not a cat. Now it appears Goofy is not a dog.

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Hello Kitty fans recently got a rude shock when they discovered that the beloved character, real name Kitty White, is not a cat. While this idea has been floating around for years, and even confirmed by Sanrio itself, it amassed newfound whiplash when Jill Koch, the senior vice president of marketing and brand management at the company, once again reiterated on Today: "Hello Kitty is not a cat. She’s actually a little girl.”


Now it’s time to say hello Goofy, who apparently isn’t a dog.


Goofy, the tall, lovable goofball with a signature laugh, has been a mainstay of the Disney universe for nearly a century. Yet, a surprising debate has swirled around Goofy for decades: is he actually a dog?


The confusion is understandable. Goofy walks upright, wears clothes, and exhibits human-like qualities. This stands in stark contrast to Pluto, Mickey Mouse's undeniably canine companion who walks on all fours and barks.


Bill Farmer, the current voice actor for both Goofy and Pluto, has even weighed in on the debate. In a 2020 interview, Farmer stated that Goofy “seems to be in the canine family in the same way that a wolf is not a dog.” This suggests a separate but related species within the broader canine classification.


Farmer even went so far as to propose a unique Latin taxonomic designation—”Canis Goofus”—and concluded that the character is ”just Goofy.”


However, some fans have taken this a step further, proposing that Goofy might even be a cow due to his name and lanky physique. This theory, however, lacks significant evidence.


Ultimately, the answer may lie in the whimsical nature of the Disney universe. Unlike our own world, Disney characters often defy rigid categorization. Donald Duck walks and talks, while Mickey Mouse remains perpetually unclothed (with nether regions conveniently obscured by a strategically placed tail).


Perhaps the beauty of Goofy lies in his ambiguity. He embodies the spirit of silliness and playfulness, transcending the need for a neat and tidy label.




Image: Lei Xu | Dreamstime.com

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