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Bella Hadid reportedly lawyers up against Adidas over lack of accountability in campaign


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Bella Hadid is exploring legal options against sportswear giant Adidas following her removal from a recent campaign, according to a report by TMZ. The controversy stemmed from Adidas’ decision to feature Hadid in advertisements for a sneaker inspired by the 1972 Munich Olympics, where Palestinian militants killed 11 Israeli athletes and coaches.


Hadid, who is outspoken in her support for Palestine, has found herself criticized by some for her association with the campaign. Detractors argue that it is insensitive to depict the Olympics, a celebration of peace through sports, alongside a model who advocates for a cause linked to violence.




However, Hadid maintains that she is against violence of any kind and feels Adidas has unfairly tarnished her image. Sources close to the model claim she has hired legal counsel to address what she perceives as Adidas' lack of accountability in the situation. Hadid reportedly believes the company should have publicly addressed the controversy and distanced the campaign from the Munich massacre.

In response to the outcry, Adidas pulled the campaign and issued an apology. The company stated that any connections to historical events were unintentional and expressed regret for any distress caused.




Hadid’s contractual status with Adidas remains unclear. While some initial reports suggested her contract had been terminated, sources close to the model now say she is still under contract with the company, per TMZ.




Image: Denis Makarenko | Dreamstime.com

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