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Between building cyberpunk-esque cars and humanlike robots, Elon Musk likes to share unusual imagery on X, formerly Twitter (though often without crediting the originators). This time, he’s shared an AI-generated fashion show featuring an eclectic mix of global leaders, tech titans, and even the Tesla and SpaceX boss himself.


“High time for an AI fashion show,” he wrote on social media, uploading a video created by YouTube channel Interdimensional TV, which used Midjourney and Luma Labs to bring the bizarre scenarios to life. And what a show it was. The spectacle kicks off with US President Joe Biden, rolling down the runway in a wheelchair, donning sunglasses and a cloud print suit. Musk followed, initially shirtless, before his skin morphed into a futuristic Tesla suit.


As the virtual fashion parade continues, world leaders such as Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, and Vladimir Putin make their entrances in avant-garde outfits complete with luxury branding.



Barack Obama showcased a variety of looks, including a kimono and a Dragon Ball costume, while Xi Jinping sports an all-red ensemble with yellow bears, a cheeky nod to the Winnie-the-Pooh comparisons. Other political figures like Justin Trudeau, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi also make memorable appearances on this imaginative runway.


Presidential candidate Kamala Harris wasn’t left out, making a stylish debut as well. 


With that, the show extended beyond politics, bringing tech giants into the spotlight. Apple’s Steve Jobs appeared, and Mark Zuckerberg walked the runway in a lizard suit, referencing the bizarre conspiracy theories about his reptilian nature.


Beyond the glitz and glamor, the video cleverly pokes fun at recent tech events, with a nod to the Microsoft/Crowdstrike outage showcased alongside Bill Gates. This AI fashion show is a blend of satire and style, creating a unique commentary on both the tech and political landscapes.







Opening image: Dgmate | Dreamstime.com

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