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Tesla Cybertruck to electrify Fortnite and Rocket League in epic crossover


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Hold onto your controllers, gamers! Prepare for a jolt of reality because the infamous Tesla Cybertruck, a vehicle as celebrated for its design as it is memed for its durability, is making a surprise debut in not one, but two of your favorite games: Fortnite and Rocket League. This first-of-its-kind collaboration between Epic Games and Tesla marks a new era of real-world tech invading the virtual world.

The Cybertruck's arrival is more than just adding another ride. Official trailers keep gameplay details under wraps for now, but we've already seen glimpses of the Cybertruck's sleek, futuristic design rolling into Fortnite, casually towing unsuspecting vehicles. Over in Rocket League, the Cybertruck is also revving its engine to hit the pitch, promising to add a whole new dimension to the high-octane competition.



As expected, the news has sparked a divided response. Fortnite players are excited about the tactical possibilities the Cybertruck offers, while Rocket League enthusiasts are thrilled to get behind the wheel of this unique vehicle. On the other hand, some players are already plotting digital demolition missions for any Cybertrucks they encounter. Love it or hate it, there's no denying this is a significant moment in gaming's evolution.


Cybertruck's arrival in Fortnite and Rocket League is more than just a new in-game toy; it's a sign of the growing influence of video games and the exciting potential for future partnerships between the gaming industry and other sectors. Gamers, are you excited to test drive the Cybertruck? How will the Cybertruck change your gameplay? What other real-world vehicles would you like to see added to the game?



Image: Fortnite/Epic


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