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British Airways takes flight with a dash of ‘Bridgerton’ in new safety video

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Calling all Bridgerton buffs and Downton Abbey devotees! Fasten your seatbelts, because British Airways has just unveiled its latest in-flight safety video, and it's a delightful departure from the ordinary.




Viewers are whisked away to a world of elegant attire, grand estates, and captivating characters. Over 40 British Airways employees, transformed into period drama personas, guide passengers through the intricacies of 19th-century life while seamlessly integrating crucial safety instructions. The result is a humorous and engaging experience that defies the typical monotony of safety briefings.





The video's clever juxtaposition of historical settings and modern safety protocols showcases Uncommon Creative Studio's creativity. Anachronistic moments, like a bewildered socialite grappling with a laptop, add a touch of playful irony while emphasizing the enduring importance of safety. By tapping into the global fascination with period dramas, British Airways has created a video that resonates with a broad audience.

Behind the scenes, the production boasts a stellar team, including director Sharon Maguire, renowned for her work on 'Bridget Jones's Diary,' and  three-time Oscar winning costume designer Jenny Beavan, a veteran of the period drama genre. Filmed at historic locations like Hatfield House and Englefield House Estate, the video exudes authenticity and grandeur.



British Airways' Chief Customer Officer, Calum Laming, has rightly highlighted the importance of engaging content. This safety video is a shining example of how to deliver essential information in an entertaining and memorable way. By celebrating British culture while prioritizing safety, the airline has created a winning formula.


The video's closing line, "Stay safe, look after one another and never change," encapsulates the spirit of both the period drama and the airline itself. It's a reminder that while the world evolves, the core values of safety and care remain constant.



How can airlines continue to innovate and capture passenger attention with safety videos? British Airways has undoubtedly raised the bar. What other creative and engaging safety videos have you encountered? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.



Images: British Airways 

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