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The Olympic Committee has chosen the destinations for the 2030 and 2034 Winter Games

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In a historic first, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) broke tradition by selecting host cities for both the 2030 and 2034 Winter Olympic Games at the same time. Citing concerns about climate change and ensuring long-term stability, the IOC awarded the 2030 Games to the French Alps, while Salt Lake City, Utah, will take the reins in 2034.


The decision reflects the delicate dance the IOC faces in a changing world. Climate change poses a significant threat to traditional Winter Olympic venues, with unpredictable snowfall patterns and rising temperatures jeopardizing the feasibility of certain sports. By selecting two locations well in advance, the IOC hopes to secure regions with proven winter sports infrastructure and a commitment to sustainability.


The French Alps boast a long and storied history in winter sports, with numerous world-class resorts nestled amidst breathtaking scenery. Its bid heavily emphasized utilizing existing venues and prioritizing eco-friendly practices to minimize the environmental footprint of the Games.



Salt Lake City, no stranger to Olympic glory having hosted the 2002 Games, similarly highlighted its existing infrastructure and strong public support for the bid.



This dual award is a significant win for both the IOC and the chosen host cities. The IOC gains a degree of certainty in a rapidly evolving climate landscape, while the French Alps and Salt Lake City have ample time to prepare and refine their hosting plans. The move also injects a degree of predictability into the Olympic calendar, allowing athletes and fans to plan well in advance for these prestigious events.




Image: Scott Mallon | Dreamstime.com

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