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Ubisoft’s apology for ‘Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ Black samurai controversy sparks fresh backlash


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Ubisoft recently found itself in hot water after promotional materials for its upcoming title, Assassin's Creed Shadows, sparked controversy within the gaming community, particularly in Japan. The issue revolved around the game's protagonist, Yasuke, a historical figure of African descent who served as a samurai during Japan's Sengoku period.


A Petition for Change

While Yasuke's story as a "Black samurai" is undeniably fascinating, some players felt his portrayal as a central character in a game set in feudal Japan deviated too far from historical accuracy. This sentiment culminated in a petition calling for the game's cancellation, citing concerns about historical inauthenticity.


Ubisoft's Apology and Clarification

Responding to the rising tide of criticism, Ubisoft issued a statement acknowledging the concerns raised by the Japanese community. They emphasized that while Yasuke's status as a full-fledged samurai is a subject of historical debate, it's a discussion they've carefully woven into the game's narrative.

Mixed Reactions to the Apology

The developer's attempt to appease the community yielded mixed reactions. Some praised Ubisoft for fostering a space for historical exploration within the game's narrative, while others felt the apology fell short of addressing the core issue of historical accuracy.



Moving Forward with an Evolving Narrative

Ubisoft closed its statement by committing to continuous refinement of Assassin's Creed Shadows until its launch on November 15, 2024. Whether this translates to further clarification of Yasuke's role in the game or adjustments to the narrative remains to be seen.


This incident highlights the delicate balance game developers face when integrating real-world figures and historical settings into their creations. While creative liberties are expected in fictional narratives, maintaining a level of historical grounding remains vital for some players. Assassin's Creed Shadows will undoubtedly continue to be a topic of discussion leading up to its release, with fans eager to see how Ubisoft navigates this complex situation.



What are your thoughts on the controversy surrounding Assassin's Creed Shadows? Do you believe Ubisoft has handled the situation appropriately?



Image: Ubisoft

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