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Michael Bay is building a 'Skibidi Toilet' film universe since there's no flushing this meme

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If you’ve been around a Gen Alpha kid or a very confused Millennial lately, you’d likely have heard the term, “Skibidi Toilet,” being thrown around a bit. Youths today have accepted it as part of their lingo. According to the Urban Dictionary, “skibidi” itself “is a word usually used to start a convo, specifically a convo filled with brain rot.” Well, hold on to your plungers, because it seems like things are about to get messier.


Michael Bay is poised to turn the conccept from potty humor into Hollywood blockbuster. The news comes courtesy of Adam Goodman, former Paramount Pictures president, who revealed on Variety’s Strictly Business podcast that Bay and his production partner are in talks to develop the viral video phenomenon into a full-fledged film and television show franchise.


Just a year ago, Skibidi Toilet was an 11-second YouTube oddity dreamed up by a 23-year-old in Georgia. Alexey Gerasimov’s wacky creation quickly morphed into a series of explosive, dialogue-free shorts capturing the imagination of Gen Alpha. Fast forward to today, and Skibidi boasts over 70 episodes chronicling the increasingly violent battle between toilets and cyborgs.  It’s the kind of internet sensation that makes you wonder, “What did I just watch?” But that’s exactly what brain rot encompasses, and, apparently, what has Hollywood taking notice.




Bay and Goodman, the power duo behind the “Tra-digital” studio Invisible Narratives, see the potential for "Skibidi Toilet" to become a pop culture juggernaut on par with blockbuster properties. It could be “the next Transformers or… Marvel universe,” Goodman says.


Goodman suggests a hybrid approach, blending animation with live-action elements, referencing films like John Wick and District 9 as potential influences. While the project is still in its early stages, the prospect of Bay's signature bombastic style applied to the wacky world of “Skibidi Toilet” is certainly intriguing, if not a little bewildering.





Images: Serghei Starus | Dreamstime.com, Hutchinsphoto | Dreamstime.com

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