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Apple Maps launches web-based access, finds its way into Google Maps' territory

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Image: Apple Maps


Apple has unveiled its web-based platform for Apple Maps, marking a direct challenge to the dominance of Google Maps. This development, long-awaited by many, signals a new chapter in the world of digital cartography.


The launch of Apple Maps on the web is currently in its beta phase. This strategic move allows users globally to access Apple’s mapping services directly from their browsers, a feature predominantly associated with Google Maps. The introduction of this service is seen as a bold step towards diversifying Apple’s digital offerings.


Apple Maps’ web version is compatible with multiple browsers, including Safari and Chrome on Mac and iPad, as well as Chrome and Edge on Windows PCs. This cross-platform compatibility broadens the potential user base, making the service accessible to a wider audience.


The web-based Apple Maps offers a plethora of features, including driving and walking directions, detailed place information, and curated guides for exploring cities. Users can also order food directly from the Maps place card, adding a layer of convenience to the user experience.


As Apple Maps continues to evolve, additional features, including the ‘Look Around’ function, are expected to be rolled out in the coming months. It will be interesting to watch how these two tech giants will innovate to stay ahead of the digital mapping landscape.



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