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The Olympics is welcoming esports as an official event


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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) took a historic step towards a younger generation this week, announcing the creation of the Olympic Esports Games. The inaugural event will be held in 2025, signifying a major shift for the traditionally physical competition. This decision comes after years of the IOC acknowledging the growing popularity of esports, with organized video game tournaments attracting millions of viewers worldwide.


The partnership with the National Olympic Committee of Saudi Arabia for the first 12 years of the Games is another interesting wrinkle, with the IOC citing the country’s “experience in the field of esports” as a factor.


Details on specific game titles and competition formats are still under wraps, but the IOC has assured fans they’ll be revealed in due time. This measured approach allows the organization to navigate the complexities of esports, ensuring the chosen titles align with the Olympic spirit of fair play and excellence.


“This is particularly true with regard to the game titles on the programme, the promotion of gender equality and engagement with the young audience, which is embracing esports,” says the IOC.


Esports boasts a massive and dedicated fanbase, particularly among younger demographics.  By incorporating these digital competitions, the Olympics open themselves up to a new generation of athletes and viewers, potentially future-proofing the Games.





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