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Dua Lipa partners with Porsche to co-create and star in a new ad for the all-electric Macan


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Pop sensation Dua Lipa is trading in the mic for a steering wheel as she teams up with luxury car giant Porsche. This isn’t just another celebrity endorsement; it’s a full-throttle collaboration. Lipa is a creative force behind Porsche’s latest campaign, writing and starring in a film that put the all-electric Macan in the spotlight.



A post shared by Porsche (@porsche)



Since joining the Porsche family in late 2023, Lipa’s connection to the brand has been undeniable. From experiencing the thrill of Porsche cars firsthand at the Los Angeles Experience Center to representing the brand at high-profile events, her journey with Porsche has been nothing short of exhilarating. Now, she’s ready to leave her mark on the brand’s future.

The Grammy-winning singer collaborated with renowned director Clément Durou, known for high-profile projects like the music video for Pharrell Williams’ 'Happy,' to bring her vision for the all-electric Macan to life. Together, they crafted a unique and exciting concept that authentically represents Lipa and Porsche.


The All-Electric Macan: A Glimpse into the Future

The all-electric Macan is poised to redefine the electric vehicle (EV) landscape. The Macan promises thrilling performance without compromising on everyday practicality and is equipped with formidable powertrains that deliver up to 470 kW (639 PS). This high-powered vehicle boasts a driving range of up to 613 km. It also features high-performance fast charging capabilities, making it an enticing option for drivers seeking a sustainable and dynamic driving experience.



Lipa’s involvement brings a fresh perspective to the automotive advertising world. Her influence will undoubtedly resonate with a younger demographic, expanding Porsche’s reach while maintaining its reputation for luxury and innovation.


What are your thoughts on this exciting partnership? Are you looking forward to more Dua Lipa creative projects?



Image: Porsche, Starstock | Dreamstime.com


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